Recap 2024

Prize Winner Concert “Music and Space”

Special prize “Music and Space”

7:30 pm | May 15th, 2024 | ~ 90 min
St. Martini-Kirche, Adelebsen

In the Middle Ages, Göttingen brought wine and wax to the church of St. Martini, and today it shares good music. The early Gothic hall church, with a view of the castle and over the valley of the Schwülme river, offers quite a bit of history – and intriguing options for a concert! The size and structure of the space, the position of the stage, the acoustics and the surroundings all influence the way we listen and the way the artists play.

Bustransfer: 5.15 pm

Guided tour (German): 6 pm
Registration is required

Post-concert nightcap: Meet the Artist over a glass of wine.

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