Recap 2024

Sarrasine | Family version of the opera

Familienfassung 2023 © Alciro Theodoro da Silva
12:00 pm | May 20th, 2024 | ~ 75 min
Deutsches Theater Göttingen

”To talk of danger to a man in love is to sell him pleasure.” The brilliant sculptor Sarrasine falls madly in love with the beautiful opera singer Zambinella in faraway Rome – but what’s her secret? Our Festival Opera Sarrasine is about how unnecessarily complicated adults make things when it comes to love. The “ever-popular family version” (Thomas Kopietz, HNA) is looking forward to the energetic help of the young audience and KiKA presenter Juri Tetzlaff once again this year. “Some young visitors were still singing at the top of their voices after the performance” (Peter Krüger-Lenz, Göttinger Tageblatt). That’s exactly what we’re looking forward to again this year.

Soloists of the Festival Opera

FestspielOrchester Göttingen

George Petrou Musical Director

Juri Tetzlaff Presenter

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