Recap 2024

Sing Along Service

10:00 am | April 21st, 2024
St. Jacobi-Kirche

Once again this year St. Jacobi’s Church hosts the long-standing, annual Sing Along Service. Every year, the Tageblatt Choir of Göttingen gathers together to quite literally set the tone for the Festival and get both themselves and the audience ready for some great music. The choir’s multitude of voices and diversity is a reflection of the city itself, as anyone and everyone is welcome to apply.

Under the direction of Klaas Stok, Chief Conductor of the NDR Vokalensemble, audiences will be treated to a truly remarkable church service. On the eve of Passover, the choir will sing excerpts from the Festival Oratorio Israel in Egypt.

Tageblatt-Chor 2024
Michael Krause Choir rehearsal direction

Jugend-Sinfonie-Orchester Göttingen
Daniel Eismann & Oliver Schaad Orchestral rehearsal direction

Klaas Stok Musical Director

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